Wind turbine poles

Is it necessary these days to explain the importance of "green energy" for our society and the world in general?

The use of natural energy sources, compared to traditional energy sources, aims to preserve and rationally use natural resources. This, in turn, contributes to the reduction of air pollution as a result of emissions of pollutants, including greenhouse gases. The use of renewable energy sources does not have a negative impact on water resources and human health, which contributes to the sustainable development and preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity.

Today, wind energy is a promising industry which occupies a significant share among all types of "green energy". According to data for 2023, wind energy accounts for about 27% of the total production of electricity from renewable sources in the world, second only to hydropower and solar energy. Overall, wind energy is rapidly developing and growing in many countries due to government support, technological innovation and significant investment in the field.

Since we, as a society, confidently continue to move towards renewable energy sources, autonomous wind farms are becoming more and more popular in Europe, and they require strong and reliable supporting structures for the wind turbines. We already have a solution for this task, namely – metal poles based on multifaceted bent racks.

Wind turbine poles are developed individually according to the requirements of the project. Poles are made of high-quality durable steel. The trunk has a conical faceted shape and consists of separate sections (up to 12 m each). The diameter of the trunk and the thickness of the wall are calculated depending on the expected load, including both the weight of the wind turbine and the ability of the entire structure to withstand wind gusts.


The installation process of such poles is simple:

First, the foundation works (installation of the anchor bolt) are performed.

There are several ways to install pole’s sections:

  1. One of them is the "build-up" method:

    Gradually, starting from the bottom, the sections are lifted and mounted one by one, connecting to each other under the influence of a pulling load (if they are telescopic), or fixed with bolts (if the sections involve a flange connection). This method of installation is more optimally successful for telescopic poles. It is mainly used when the area has insufficient open space to place a fully assembled pole.

  2. Another method:

    All sections of the pole are connected to each other on the ground. After that, the fully assembled pole is lifted and fixed to the anchor bolt foundation using a flange connection. This method of installation is considered more optimally successful for poles with a flange connection of sections.


The advantages of using metal wind turbine poles include the following:

    The design of the metal pole is characterized by strength and stability even under conditions of high wind loads. This ensures long-term and uninterrupted operation of the wind farm.
    Thanks to the modular design of several sections, the poles are convenient to transport and quickly assemble on site, which significantly reduces costs for logistics and installation.
    Installation of our metal poles does not require significant land allocation. This makes them optimal for use in places with limited space.
    Metal multifaceted poles can also be used for many other purposes, such as installing alternative energy systems or other appliances.
    Hot dip galvanizing protects the structure of the pole from corrosion, the influence of weather factors and other aggressive environmental factors. This allows to increase the service life of a metal product up to 3 times, in general, the service life of galvanized poles is about 70 years.


The overall goal of using renewable energy sources is to provide a sustainable and clean energy future for ourselves and our future generations.

Do you already have a project to discuss? Or maybe you plan to make your contribution to the development of wind energy? We will support you and will be happy to introduce you to our solution – multifaceted metal poles for wind turbines. Our engineers are ready to carefully design and manufacture a pole structure, taking into account all the requirements of your project.