Stadium light towers


Floodlight towers with stationary platforms are designed to illuminate large spaces and sports facilities: stadiums, infrastructure facilities, ski slopes, railway stations, seaports, storage and other open areas.


The faceted conical shaft of the tower is made of sheet steel by bending with one or two longitudinal welds and can reach a height of 80 meters. The tower consists of one or more sections, with an upper flange, on which a stationary platform with traverses or a cassette is installed for installing up to 60 lighting devices. To access the crown, there are walking ladders on the tower shaft, on which a fence can be installed. The mast (tower) can be equipped with platforms for rest and placement of additional equipment.
The calculation of any type of floodlight mast is carried out based on the characteristics of the installed equipment (windward area, weight, number of lighting fixtures), wind area and climatic performance.


  • It is possible to place any number of lighting fixtures and other equipment;
  • Large selection of platforms (cassettes);
  • Convenient access and adjustment of lighting devices;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • The tower is easy to install and operate. Maintenance of lighting equipment does not require special equipment.


The type and size of the foundation is determined by calculation depending on the structure of the mast, the characteristics of the soil and the wind area of ​​operation, the type and number of equipment to be installed.


Anti-corrosion protection by hot-dip galvanizing meets DSTU (state standard) 9. 307-89 and is controlled in accordance with the international standard ISO 1461: 2009 (which provides anti-corrosion protection of the product and no operating costs for at least 25 years). This type of coating is not decorative and is purely functional.